19 December 2008

siapa terer menaip???????

ni result aku..lambat sungguh aku ni.. :) ni kalau kak mimi ni, mesti terer!!

157 points, so you achieved position 508936 of 879489 on the ranking list You type 199 characters per minute You have 37 correct words and you have 0 wrong words


  1. nak try laaa.... nanti akak post kat blog akak yaaa...

  2. salam perkenalan yong....

    baca n3 yg bawah tu, teringat zaman masa belajo dolu2, tp masa tu h/p blom lg jd 'brg keperluan' so idak ler sms lecturer....teknik yg lebey berani.....dok sibuk ngendeng2 nak korek markah....hehe...

  3. hehehhehheheh..nak kena try nih
    tp dok-dok ler

    skang demam...
    demam² pon mai keje tauuuu

  4. hai akak...kak aya tue sepupu kawan azie eida.akak lecturer Kolej komuniti yer.

    salam perkenalan dari azie.

  5. eh ko nak gi kul baper???kang kot2 clash masa gi kang ko sms le aku leh jumpa...

  6. yong amik ujian menaip ke?eija suka nie bab2 menaip...bg kat aku....hehehehehe

  7. dapat result nie jek taip pakai laptop x berapa cekap laa :-

    198 points, so you achieved position 613160 of 1609000 on the ranking list

    You type 278 characters per minute
    You have 48 correct words and
    you have 2 wrong words

  8. lieya yg amik kos seketeri ni pun ntah brape keputusanye kalo wat test nie....nanti lieya try laaa...mmg laa lieya kalo menaip tak yah dah tgk keyboard tapi kalo kite sedar n tau yg kite tgh wat test ...sure tetibe jek nerves datang....kelam kelibut agaknye menaip nanti ....kui kui kui
