23 January 2013

#Fi Hagat

antara lagu mak arab yang best. Nancy Ajram. tak kenal? sila lah google. heheheeeee.

22 January 2013

# Reminder!

Although we have heard the advice many times before, it is a good reminder to all parents and caretakers to be extra careful.

1. Keep an eye on your child. Always know where they are and whom they are with.
2. Teach your children their full names, address, and home telephone number.
3. Carry an up-to-date picture of your child to help the police or security guards look for them.
4. Accompany and supervise young children when they use the restroom.
5. Determine a central, easy-to-locate spot to meet in case you are separated.
6. Teach children to look for people who can help, such as a uniformed security guard, or mother with children.
7. Remind children not to go looking for you and to remain where they are if you get separated.
8. Have a special code word known only to family members. Tell your child not to follow any stranger who claims he was sent by you, but does not know this code word.
9. Teach your child that although he should be respectful to adults, he can refuse to talk to strangers.

Experts say the first 25 minutes is a critical period when a child goes missing as the child may not be far from the previous location. Quick action must be taken within this time to spread information about the missing child.

1. Send a young child out alone at night to run an errand.
2. Leave your child in a toy store or elsewhere while you go shopping.
3. Leave your child alone in the car, especially with the engine running, while you attend to some business.
4. Dress children in clothing that has their name on it as it can attract strangers waiting to start up a conversation with your child.
5. Leave your child in a public area in the mall expecting supervision from security personnel.
6. Attend public events with a child if you are going to be distracted. Make other arrangements for the child ahead of time.
7. Allow young children to go shopping on their own without adult supervision.
8. Be on time to fetch your child from school or other public places.


#dpetik dari laman sosial fb

18 January 2013

# Buku Merah

Buku merah dah siap dikemaskini. kerja pun tinggal beberapa hari. perlu kemas apa yang perlu. sambil tepuk muka, cubit peha. eh, betul apa yang aku sedang buat ni?

bangunlah Yong. berpijak di bumi yang nyata lagi indah ini.

buku merah yang telah dikerat. sekerat hati tuannya yang kadang pra sedar!

hidup ni kadang memang aneh. hingga kita tidak mengetahui apa cerita sebenarnya. kita hanya lontarkan kehidupan ini dan membiarkan ia pergi bergerak mengikut alunannya. takpe. yang penting kita telah berusaha. selebihnya, itu yang Maha Esa berkuasa. Dia penentu segalanya. Dia tahu apa yang terbaik. 

Moga aku mampu melaluinya sekuat yang boleh. aku sayang semua. tak lebih, tak kurang.

17 January 2013

# Durian Crepe

malam tadi rajin sangat. tekak teringin nak makan. nak makan durian crepe kata omputih. tapi kata orang Perak..lempeng doyan! wakakaka

tu dia. cubaan pertama. ada yang menggerutu. ada yang terbelah. terbaek! maaflah. kali pertama kan. janji rasa ada. biar rupa seram.
